Who: A.J. Mirabedini from EntrepreneursRx
When: December 16th, 2022 1pm-2:30pm
What: Entrepreneur resource to help provide predictable growth of startups.
Where: Zoom link will be accessible through Eventbrite
In partnership with NM Angels, we’re proud to bring the startup community together to build relationships, solve problems, and make connections. If you are a startup business venture in New Mexico looking for connections and resources, then ActivateNM Startup Office Hours are for you. We are a community of startup founders and world-class mentors from around the Land of Enchantment.
Bring your startup needs to the event and be prepared to share them publicly with other startup founders and mentors. We will have a variety of rooms set up to discuss crucial business topics from sales and marketing to finance and investment.
Select an upcoming session to RSVP. The sessions are typically on the third Friday of each month in 2022.
More information about ActivateNM Office Hours can be found at: Get Tickets Here